STAND B29 Tenuta Il Radichino di Giovanni Maria e Tonino Pira scoietà semplice agricola

It's been a really long time since dad Carmelo produced pecorino romano down in Sardinia. At the beginning, Carmelo ran the Radichino company as a tenant, then over time he managed to buy it. With a lot of work, passion and stubbornness, the company has grown over time from the initial 60 hectares to the current 250, all certified organic.

A story made of respect and love for nature. The estate, in addition to the historic breeding activity, boasts a dairy and an agri-restaurant: that of the Pira brothers is a story to discover. The Pira brothers carry on their father's tradition with passion and dedication: the values ​​transmitted by their parents are a real point of reference for Gianni and Tonino.
"I moved here to Farnese from Sardinia at the end of the 1950s, bringing with me the long dairy tradition linked to the pastoralism of those times, which was handed down from generation to generation. At that time I was a boy, but how much passion did I put into my work! What makes me happy is knowing that I have passed on to my children my same passion, my love for simple, genuine and carefully made things. Seeing them carry on my work fills me with pride and repays me in many ways sacrifices We have inherited the experience and values ​​that our parents passed on to us and we have expanded the family business: today the Tenuta il Radichino company boasts, in addition to the breeding activity, its own dairy farm and an agri-restaurant equipped to welcome guests. about 100 people, where we serve homemade products typical of the Sardinian and Tuscan tradition.

But becoming bigger doesn't mean neglecting traditions: we get our milk from more than a thousand sheep and goats that graze freely in our fields, and with that we produce our cheese just like it was made in the old days!”

We look forward to seeing you in Viterbo! CONTACTS

Palace of the Popes
Piazza San Lorenzo, Viterbo



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