The Oleificio Sociale Cooperativo di Canino S.C.A., whose sole headquarters is located in Canino (VT) in via di Montalto n.48, is a cooperative transformation structure which carries out the activity of milling the olives contributed by its members, as well as storage, packaging and marketing of extra virgin olive oil and extra virgin D.O.P. oil. CANINO produced from the same olives and in February 2013 obtained the recognition of Producers' Organization.
The Company was founded on the initiative of the Ente Maremma (now ARSIAL) together with some olive growers from the Canino area on 07/23/1965 and deals with the pressing of the olives supplied exclusively by the associated olive growers (on average 80,000 quintals per year). and redistributes the revenues to them, net of expenses, in relation to the quantity and quality of the product delivered. A fundamental characteristic of the cooperative is the use of rules that require members to provide healthy and fresh olives to be immediately subjected to oil extraction in compliance with the best technology.
The Cooperative, among the largest at a national level in terms of size, currently has 1081 members and extends its operational area to the municipalities of Canino, Cellere, Arlena, Tessennano, Ischia di Castro and part of the municipalities of Montalto di C. and Tuscania; the area is well delimited and includes approximately 3,000 hectares of olive groves with approximately 260,000 olive trees; employs no. 7 permanent employees and in the months of November and December around 70 seasonal workers.
The Canino Social Cooperative Oil Mill, for the implementation of its activities of delivery of olives, processing, conservation, packaging, marketing of the oil and for assistance services to olive grower members, has effective structures, machinery and technical equipment and cutting-edge technologies that allow the transformation, with cold extraction, of large quantities of olives in a short time, a maximum of 24 hours from harvesting, obtaining a high quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil with an emerald green color and a strong and tasty flavour: Most of the qualities that are recognized in this product by experts and connoisseur consumers derive: from the pedological and climatic environment, from the prevalence of the "Caninese" olive cultivar, from the rational management systems of the olive groves and, finally, from the accurate technologies adopted in the phases of transformation and extraction.
Palace of the Popes
Piazza San Lorenzo, Viterbo